🍯🐝Hi Honey Bees! Happy Sassy Sunday!
How are your new year intentions going? I have been more intentional about what I am eating and drinking. I also have been working out consistently.
I am working on streamlining my daily and weekly chores so they don’t become overwhelming. If anyone has tips on laundry please comment below!
Fifteen days left in January 2022 let make them count.
Be Fashionable
Earrings are one of my favorite fashion accessories. Statement earrings are a great way to change up an outfit. I found this cutest online accessory shop.
Kadore by Keish Leopard Hoop and Angel earrings in Pink are both sold out, but the website sells jewelry, handbags, sleep-ware, and sunglasses.
What are some of your favorite fashion accessories?
Embrace Individuality
At the Arizona Wedding Show, I visited the designer Kyndra Jade’s pop-up shop and was pleasantly surprised to see that she sells her art. I have a small art collection and was thrilled to add this beauty to my collection. She also sells angel wing ornaments and angel rings.
Stay Classy
Airplane etiquette
Middle seat gets the arm rests. I did not know this. At least there is one perk to having the middle seat. If I am on a flight where I can choose my seat, I prefer the window seat.
I’ll be sure to remember this on my next airplane trip.
Treat Yourself
“One of my goals for the happiness project was to prepare for adversity–to develop the self-discipline and the mental habits to deal with a bad thing when it happened. The time to start exercising, stop nagging, and organize our digital photos was when everything was going smoothly. I didn’t want to wait for a crisis to remake my life.” -Gretchen Rubin The Happiness Project
I started reading The Happiness Project which provides small tips to elevate appreciating the small moments in our everyday lives. So far, it’s been an enlightening read.
Until Next Time,
🍾Here’s to always being your B.E.S.T!
Tiara Deahn Thornton, MBA
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♡ The mission of Sassy Curls, LLC is to help women embrace their individuality, value their self-worth, and discover their dreams.
👸🏽Write Me 💌
Tiara D. Thornton
PO Box 1060
Scottsdale, AZ 85252