1. My favorite color is purple, pink being my second.
2. I like eating hot dogs with nacho cheese on top.
3. Wine on a Friday night, while wearing yoga pants and curled up in bed watching a movie is a perfect night.
4. I love lipgloss, chap stick, and lip balms. muah!
5. Obsessed with keeping my nails long, strong, and healthy.
6. Frequent daydreamer.
7. Take very long showers.
8. I wish people were nicer to each other.
9. “Finding Peace” is the name of one of my playlists on Pandora.
10. I have two sisters and three brothers.
11. Baking is an enjoyable pastime.
12. I had two dogs growing up, lots of pretty cool cats, a turtle named Emerald, and a betta fish named Gilbert Gilli.
13. Ghostwriter, Ninja Turtles, and TGIF made watching television pretty awesome.
14. The Sandlot…greatest movie of all time.
15. In the third grade, I use to paint my nails every night to match my outfit.
16. I really enjoyed writing Valentine’s Day cards.
17. Instead of scrapbooks, I keep boxes with my life mementos.
18. If adults were allowed to nap during a work day, the world would be a better place.
19. Growing up in Alamogordo, NM made for many beautiful childhood memories.
20. Dolphins are my favorite animals.
21. I learned so much about life and myself during my freshman year of college.
22. “What the french toast?” “Oh snickerdoodle.” “Mother of pearl.” “Oh mylanta.” Are a few of my catchphrases.
23. Action, dramas, and romantic comedies are good movie genres. I often fantasize about being a voice over for one.
24. Tulips are pretty.
25. Summer should be year round.
26. Conversations over coffee are lovely.
27. Writing in my journal is therapeutic.
28. Today is my 28th birthday.
Until next time,
Here’s to always being your B.E.S.T!