“Don’t let the bad guys keep you down.” -Dad
Captain Robert O. Thornton II
Dear Dad,
There are so many things about you I miss already.
Your infectious laugh, jokes, advice, guidance, & loving support just to name a few.
You’re the Dad that stayed up all night to complete our science fair projects and you never complained.
You were delighted for the task, like a mission.
You and Mom put six kids through college. I’m so grateful for the passion you both placed on education.
You expressed your love through your actions.
You were first class Dad. You ARE a First Class Dad.
The best Dad I could ever ask for.
With your passing, I’m forever changed.
I am so grateful for memories. I will cherish them forever.
Thank you for your patience. Teaching me walk with a purpose.
You taught me no matter where I am, I belong to be there.
To never be intimidated by anyone and to never undermine my value.
I will honor your life by doing the very BEST with mine.
Rest easy Padre.
💛Love you always & forever,
Your baby doll

Toys R’ Us & Tropical Snow Cones – Las Cruces, NM

Alamogordo High School Graduation 2005 – Tempest, Mom, Dad, Tiara

New Mexico State University 2009 Graduation – Las Cruces, NM

Pier 54 – Tempe, AZ

My Dad as a little boy.
Love you Dad. There’s so much more to share about you.
Mission Complete.
Rest easy with Granddad, Grammie, Aunt Pearl and Uncle Ron.