🍯🐝Hi Honey Bees! Happy Sassy Sunday!
I was in the big apple last weekend for New York Fashion Week #NYFW. Even though I flew out solo, I ran into a few other Phoenix fashionistas during my stay, which was a real treat.
I captured a ton of footage during my three day, two night venture. The vlog will be posted on my YouTube.com/SassyCurlsTV. Turn on those notifications so won’t miss a beat.
This was my first time on the East coast. This cold concrete jungle, does have some charm. I could have people watched for days. From the ladies to the gents, fashion was everywhere!
This desert dweller can’t wait to go back to enjoy all that New York has to offer.
One thing I am very proud of myself is I didn’t buy any new clothes for this trip. I used what I owned and in some cases have never worn. I went for an experience, not things.
Met the most charming study abroad students while waiting in line at one of the shows. More on those handsome gents later. 😉
I stayed at the the cutest hotel, Walker Hotel Tribeca. It was was the perfect location because it was nearby many of the events I attended. As a kick-off to my #NYFW content, here’s a solo photo shoot I created during my stay.
If you’re been listening to my Tea Time with Tiara Deahn on Twitch, you’ll know I’ve been back on my reading game. The books I’ve been listening to have helped me to take action on things I’ve really wanted to do.
If you’re been following me on Twitter, you’ll know I’ve joined the #wordle world and not looking back. My brother Jeff Thornton, introduced me to the game, because he knows how much I love words and puzzles.
This is me sending you my greeting card from New York city. Launch that product. Make time for all the things and people you love.
Take that trip, even if it’s solo one. You’ll learn you’re more savvy than you realized and people are willing to help you along your journey.

Outfit Deets: Two-Piece Sweater Dress: New York and Co. Eva Mendez Collection Hoops: Ellie Vail Lips: Too Faced Liquid Matte “Sweet and Sour”
Until Next Time,
🍾Here’s to always being your B.E.S.T!
Tiara Deahn Thornton, MBA
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♡ The mission of Sassy Curls, LLC is to help women embrace their individuality, value their self-worth, and discover their dreams.
👸🏽Write Me 💌
Tiara D. Thornton
PO Box 1060
Scottsdale, AZ 85252